What are Oregon Tech's Admission Standards?

和记棋牌娱乐的录取是基于你未加权的大学预科GPA. 当你申请时,我们会根据下面列出的14门核心课程重新计算你的大学预科GPA. SAT和ACT成绩是可选的,你可以选择提交来增强你的申请, but they are by no means required. 提交的SAT和ACT成绩不会处罚申请人, 但在某些情况下可能会提高录取或总统奖学金的考虑机会.

What GPA should I have for Admission to Oregon Tech?

  • You will be offered admission if you have a 3.0 or higher GPA based on a 4.0分制,仅使用核心课程计算,无缺陷*
  • 如果你的成绩达到2分,你将被考虑录取.5 or higher GPA based on a 4.0分,只使用核心课程计算,没有数学和科学方面的缺陷, and no more than 2 deficiencies in other subjects.

*缺课是指没有修过的科目或成绩低于C的课程. Repeat courses may be used to replace grades.

Do I need to submit test scores?

不需要ACT, SAT, SAT II, AP或IB等标准化考试成绩. 但是,分数可以用来弥补核心科目要求的课程不足.

考试成绩不会影响你的入学审查, 但如果你有的话,我们鼓励你提交. 如果提交,他们将只用于加强你的入学审查和 Presidential Scholarship consideration.

ACT Code: 3484
College Board (AP, SAT, SAT II): 4587

Core Subject Area Requirements

You must meet one of the following criteria:

  • 四年高中语言艺术(以作文/读写为基础)
  • ACT: 21+ English score
  • SAT: 580+ Critical Reading score


You must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Three years of high school math courses, including one year each of Algebra I, Geometry, 第三节课主要关注代数概念, calculus, data science, discrete mathematics, geometry, mathematical analysis, probability, or statistics. 学校鼓励未来的学生在高中最后一年选修第四门数学课程. Those intending to study a STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) major, or another field for which calculus is required, are strongly encouraged to take pre-caclulus, and if possible, calculus, in high school. 
  • ACT 24+ math score
  • SAT 570+ math score


You must meet the following criteria:

2 years social science such as: Asian, African, European, Middle Eastern, United States history, world history, economics, sociology, geography, government, psychology, or anthropology


You must meet one of the following criteria:

  • 三年的高中实验科学:一年的生物, chemistry, and earth science or physics. 一门综合科学课可以代替一门必修课
  • 以下考试成绩之一可以用来代替一门高中科学课程:
    • ACT: 20+ science score


You must meet the following criteria:

1年或两个学期的高中美术或职业技术教育(CTE),如艺术, music, dance, theater, engineering, vet tech, nursing, or robotics.


You must meet the following criteria:

1 year of academic elective Such as computer science, STEM, engineering, language, 或者其他可能属于大学预科课程的大学预科课程.


What about transcripts?

您将在申请中自我报告您的课程和成绩. 只提交成绩单,如果要求,如果22岁或以上,或者如果你是一个国际申请人. If you decide to attend Oregon Tech, 在你开始上课之前,你需要对你的正式高中成绩单进行最后审查,包括你的毕业日期和所有最终成绩.


Students with international transcripts must also be translated into English and US standards by an approved transcript evaluation service; GPA must also be included on the transcript evaluation. Evaluations must be course-by-course.

成绩单只有在你以前的学校直接寄给你的时候才被认为是正式的. 学生提交的成绩单将不被视为正式成绩单.

可接受的成绩单评估服务有 AACRAO; Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.; Educational Records Evaluation Service; e-ValReports; Foreign Credentials Service of America (FCSA); Global Credential Evaluators, Inc.; International Education Research Foundation; Josef Silny & Associates; Spantran Evaluation Services; The Foundation for International Services; and World Education Services.


  • 数学和实验科学都不及格会自动被拒绝
  • 22岁及以上的申请者——以及参加过ged考试的学生——可以免除大学预科课程的要求
  • 入学时颁发的优秀奖学金将使用累积高中GPA
  • 国际学生必须提交所有翻译和评估的成绩单,由招生部门审查. Evaluations must be course-by-course.

GED Requirements


  • 2002年以前:50分以上(每项成绩不低于41分)
  • 2002-2014: 500分以上(单项成绩不低于410分)
  • 2014年后:680分以上(各内容领域不低于170分)
Office of Admissions

1st Floor, College Union
3201 Campus Drive
Klamath Falls, OR 97601